Kathputli Colony - magic slum 

New Delhi // INDIA 

The Kathputli Colony is a slum in Delhi’s north-west. Not any slum - but, accomodating more than 2800 families, it is one of the biggest communities of traditional street-artists in the world. About 60 years ago it all began, as a group of gypsy puppeteers found their way from Rajasthan to india’s capital, searching for appreciation of their art. Over the years, Kathputli Colony became the home of magicians, fire-eaters, acrobats, snake-charmers, traditional dancers, musicians and other artists from whole India. But in 2009 the government of Delhi has sold the area to developers. Since then all people of Kathputli Colony have to live in constant fear of relocation. A photographic documentary - before this special place disappears for good.

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